
Showing posts from December, 2023

Is scrolling to infinity making you ill?

  CYBER SICKNESS: Do you ever feel like the light of your computer screen is burrowing into your eyes and making your head pulse? Or feel dizzy or nauseous after looking at your phone?                  While you might think these sensations are just eye strain or fatigue from looking at your screen for too long, they’re actually symptoms of a condition called  " cybersickness ".  What is Cybersickness?                      Cybersickness, also known as virtual reality (VR) sickness or motion sickness in virtual environments, is a phenomenon that occurs when there is a mismatch between the visual and vestibular (inner ear) sensory information. There isn’t total agreement among researchers about why people experience cybersickness. One prevailing idea, sensory conflict theory, hypothesizes that it’s from a mismatch of information perceived by the parts of the body that regulate vision and balance. Your eyes receive information that tells them you’re moving even though your body


  Busting 10 common myths about health and wellness:               There are numerous myths and misconceptions related to health that have persisted over time. It's important to be aware of these misconceptions to make informed decisions about healthcare. Here are some common myths: Myth 1 : You can "sweat out" toxins: Fact: Sweating is a natural body process to regulate temperature, and it does not eliminate toxins from the body. The liver and kidneys are the primary organs responsible for detoxification. Myth 2 : Eating before bed leads to weight gain: Fact: Weight gain is determined by overall caloric intake and expenditure. Eating at night doesn't inherently lead to weight gain; it's more about the total calories consumed throughout the day. Myth 3 : The more vitamins, the better: Fact: Excessive intake of vitamins and minerals can have adverse effects. It's important to meet daily requirements but not exceed them without medical advice. Myth 4 : Cracking